

Are you an educator in love with WriteReader?

Are you using WriteReader with your students and want to help introduce WriteReader to other educators? Then join us as a WriteReader Ambassador today!

What does it mean to be a WriteReader Ambassador?

  • Grab an Ambassador Badge to use on your personal website, social media, and e-mail signature
  • Gain early access to new features before everyone else
  • Share projects, knowledge, and relevant WriteReader experiences with your peers
  • Be featured as a WriterReader Ambassador on our profile page at
  • Share your experiences as a guest blogger on the WriteReader blog
  • Reach out to Babar and let us know your motivation for becoming an ambassador.

Katie Gardner


Knollwood Elementary School, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA

I love using Writereader to motivate and engage my students in acquiring the English language. Writereader enables them to practice their reading, writing, speaking, and listening English skills while creating personalized books to share with a global community. I have seen how accomplished and proud my ESL students are of themselves once completing their book and sharing it digitally or in the form of a hard copy with their family and peers.


Sophia Garcia-Smith


Orchard Place Elementary School, Des Plaines, Illinois, USA

I love WriteReader and use it in my 2nd grade classroom as part of my writers workshop process. It is a simple, effective, and creative way to allow students to express themselves with their writing. WriteReader also gives students the opportunity to share their writing with the world.

Mrs. Marlo Diaz-Haupt


John Adams Elementary in Madera, California, USA

I started using WriteReader in 2016 as a tool to check for understanding when I wanted to find out what my students’ take away was from whatever we were studying. They created books about Meerkats, How to Make Friends, and so many others. This year I started my new 3rd graders writing their own books our 2nd day of school. WriteReader helps them learn the 21st Century Skills that they need and love.

Amber D. E. Brouillard


Geneva County Schools, Hartford, Alabama, USA

I absolutely love WriteReader. Being a mother and an educator, WriteReader is the most engaging program available to elementary students that allows for reaching that “R” on the SAMR model. WriteReader can be used to tell stories about any subject matter, and gives young authors a powerful voice about their learning. It’s perfectly aligned to the Common Core Standards, and even has lessons and ideas available to help your students achieve their greatest potential.


Ellen Romstad


Langemyr skole og ressurssenter, Grimstad, Norway

My favourite app for the last three years has been WriteReader. As a teacher for students with special needs, I was looking for an app for my master’s study about developing a writing and reading method for students with developmental disabilities. WriteReader turned out to be what I was looking for. With a common joy of reading and writing, listening to their own writing, and finding pictures to use in their story, my students became writers, readers and publishers. WriteReader is an app you can use in your classroom, helping your students to become readers and writers in and outside the classroom.

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Christine Danhoff


Geneva County Schools, Hartford, Alabama, USA

I love using WriteReader with students because I strongly believe it helps them express their thoughts, ideas and all that they want to share. I believe our youngest students can create, write, listen, and share their stories if we give them the opportunity. WriteReader helps students build early literacy skills and gives them the confidence they need at such a young age. I love that they can share their stories with the community as well as the world! The possibilities are endless for students to create and share.


George Astvatsaturov


Director of the Introduction Informational Educational Technologies Research Centre, Russia

I first discovered WriteReader in 2018 and came to love this easy-to-use and very powerful tool. For many years now, I have promoted WriteReader to my blog subscribers, who are teachers.  I’m regularly sharing my experience of working with WriteReader to teachers via webinars, workshops, and master classes. In the near future, I plan to organize and conduct a new workshop for teachers and look forward to writing a guest blog post for WriteReader.


Yuniarti Santosa


International School Ruhr, Essen, Germany

As a teacher, I like the idea that I can give feedback on each book and the students can compare and make corrections. I’ve encouraged my colleagues to use WriteReader in their lessons too, especially for GAL (German as an Additional Language) and EAL classes. Some students continue using WriteReader independently outside of school. They also choose to work on WriteReader during their independent time. When students want to do something without being asked, this means they love it.

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Anthippi Harou


Ilioupoli State Primary School, Athens, Greece

Learning technology can become an extremely powerful tool in the hands of a teacher. Using proper web tools can empower learners and motivate them to enhance their learning in amazing ways. WriteReader has proved to be one of the most effective web tools I’ve come across so far! It is user-friendly and has helped my 5th and 6th EFL learners develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. It has boosted their creativity and promoted their digital literacy skills. Both my students and I have been really passionate about WriteReader.

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Rabia Iqbal


International School of Helsingborg, Sweden

During my many years of teaching Primary School, I have often used book-making as a way to assess what my students have learned. I was introduced to WriteReader a couple of years ago, and the program has helped my Grade 1 students develop their writing skills. The program’s intuitive layout makes it easy for the students to dive in, and the pictures inspire their imagination. My students feel very proud when they can take home a little book they have written by themselves with support from me as their teacher. A very handy little app that can be used throughout the year to document your students’ development.

Kimiko Shibata


Waterloo Regional District School Board, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

WriteReader is a wonderful and engaging tool to help my English Language Learners to work on content area learning along with English language and technology skills. The extensive picture library in the WriteReader app makes finding images easy, even for students with a limited knowledge of technology. The menus in the WriteReader app are intuitive and highly visual. This is essential for our emergent and early readers who initially rely on picture symbols instead of words when navigating web pages. Students are excited to see themselves as published authors, and are highly motivated to read each other’s work.

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Sarah Said


Elgin Math & Science Academy, Elgin, Illinois, USA

WriteReader is a fantastic learning tool! It offers English Learners a non-threatening and fun environment for building voice in their writing and exploring their own creativity with language. All students, even the most reluctant writers, are motivated to be an author of their own book. If you use the SIOP model in your classroom, this web-based app is applicable to the components of lesson planning, interaction, application, and lesson delivery. WriteReader is necessary for helping English Learners step it up to the next level of their own language acquisition.


Jennifer Hunter Dillon


Thames Valley District School Board & Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

My students and I are strong advocates of WriteReader. It is a motivating, empowering and engaging tool that supports a student’s literacy skills as they develop proficiency in English. A testament to this is that the students choose to work on writing during their free time and at home! They have bookshelves full of books and feel very proud to share their accomplishments with their peers, families and the global community. From a teacher’s perspective, it is extremely user-friendly, which allows students to use it quickly and easily with ease and independence. WriteReader is a powerful classroom learning and teaching tool!

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Lidia Pantaleo


Rignano sull’Arno, Italy; University of Florence

I love using WriteReader for modeling writing and motivating young children to become independent writers. It’s simple enough for children to use without being simplistic. For teachers and students who value collaboration, the opportunity to write together and read the books of others is fantastic! Also, an essential element for me is the possibility of creating recordings, allowing all children to write books without barriers. WriteReader is such an interesting, inclusive, and user-friendly learning space. I can’t wait to share this web tool with my Italian colleagues and student teachers.

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Dina Hegazy


El Alsson International School, Giza, Egypt

WriteReader unleashes an endless amount of learning opportunities for my students. It caters to different abilities and interests. The key sound features provide a stronger foundation for universal learning in my classroom. Utilizing such a tool not only accommodates different needs but also allows my students to showcase their character so beautifully by adding images and voice recordings. Another great feature is the educator writing field, which allows my students and me to collaborate so effectively. WriteReader is game-changing!


Estela S. Serrano


Sacred Heart School, Ateneo de Cebu, Philippines

Teaching has always been my passion, and this drives me to constantly seek ways to make my lessons fun and engaging. Luckily, I discovered WriteReader in one of my searches and have actively used it since then. My discovery paved the way for a lot of wonderful possibilities for my students. I love the features of WriteReader as it inspires and motivates young minds to explore and write. This is exactly what I aspire for them and WriteReader is one such perfect tool to help them improve their skills in reading and writing. Indeed, WriteReader has provided my class with an exciting way to learn!


Ane Kryger


Vestre Skole, Svendborg, Denmark

I really enjoy using WriteReader with my pupils. We began using WriteReader when my class were 1st graders, and we still enjoy using it now in the 3rd grade.
I like the fact that all my pupils are able to create a product while practising their phonetic skills and also gaining knowledge about how to construct different types of texts. I find that WriteReader is a highly motivational learning tool that engages my pupils and enables them to learn.

Martine Meilink


Beverwijk, the Netherlands

I’m a huge fan of WriteReader! In my practice, I treat children with dyslexia and language disorders. With WriteReader, I’m able to motivate them to write their own stories, diaries, jokes, etc. Because they are aware that other children can read their books, they try to do the best they can with the spelling and the sentences. They really want to make a good story. It’s been very helpful with their therapy. When I’m in schools to work with students, I always inform the teachers about WriteReader. They get excited too and try to make time for the children to use the app at school.

Yadira Moreno


Ridge Lawn School, Illinois, USA

My students and I love using WriteReader! I have been using this fun and engaging tool for a few years and students are always excited to write and showcase their work through WriteReader. It promotes reading and writing while motivating students to give forth their best work. The look on their face when I hand them their final printed book is priceless!

Sergio Lorca


CEIP Juan de la Cierva, Murcia, Spain

I started to use WriteReader with my students when we had to teach from home due to the Coronavirus outbreak. My students and I love using WriteReader! It’s a really easy to use tool and it has boosted their creativity and motivation. We began using WriteReader to make some simple books but now they are creating more complex books and even a book exhibition for their families.

Emma Olsson


Möllegårdens skola, Karlshamn, Sweden

WriteReader is a fantastic tool for strengthening student’s interest in reading and writing. I experience that WriteReader creates incredible creativity in the classroom, both for skilled and struggling writers. As a teacher, I appreciate the ease of providing formative feedback to my students. As WriteReader also aims students to share their experiences and thoughts, the tool contributes both to empowering student’s literacy learning and class community building.

Anna Maria Piekarska


Primary School K. Makuszyński in Zławieś Wielka, Poland

Adventure… a proper term for my meeting with WriteReader! From the very first moment, my students experience the magic of reading and creating books. Working with WriteReader triggers joy, builds emotions, and bonds the authors with their readers. Students create willingly because they know an extraordinary, unique, self-created book will come to life. The written books can be viewed, shared, printed and given away as a gift. It’s a great adventure, and learning all rolled into one. I highly recommend WriteReader–both for teachers and families!


Magdalena Kalemba-Borowczak


Szkole Podstawowej, Granowo, Poland

WriteReader fascinated me back in 2018. At that time, I showed this application to my students, who enthusiastically started to create our class library and convinced me that IT and communication skills are extremely important in modern education. Undoubtedly, WriteReader allows you to develop linguistic competences, stimulates logical thinking and triggers creativity. Perfectly supports learning to express yourself and your emotions.

Linda Kristin Bjugn


Aronsløkka skole, Drammen kommune, Norway

As a teacher, I strive to support my students’ growth and progress while ensuring they have the joy of learning in our classroom. When I was introduced to WriteReader back in 2018, I got a tool that met my needs. WriteReader is easy to use, and supports adapted teaching, mastery and motivation. WriteReader gives a great overview of the students’ work and can be used in all subjects and types of genres, which makes my life as a teacher much easier. WriteReader gives students a desire to learn and increases motivation for both writing and reading!

Dilek Emir


Şehit Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Soner Özübek Primary School, Eskişehir, Turkey

For many years, we have been working with schools in different countries with eTwinning projects. I met WriteReader in a project on Creative Writing. Our students wrote original stories describing their dreams in 17 different languages. They really liked WriteReader. I make WriteReader presentations to my colleagues in Turkey. I want every teacher to get acquainted with WriteReader. Because WriteReader offers a workspace beyond your dreams.


Eileen Theuerkauf


Williamsville School District, Williamsville NY, US

I came across WriteReader during the 2016-17 school year. I immediately fell in love and have heavily promoted it since. The most memorable thing was when I introduced WriteReader to a class of 2nd-grade students. They were immediately immersed in creating stories. When I returned to school and opened the class bookshelf the next day, I was SHOCKED. Students memorized their class codes and worked feverishly creating several books during after-school hours. What more can I say?? Students are motivated to create books due to the ease of use with WriteReader.

Iliana Ilieva-Dabova


St. Heptads School, Tarragona, Reus, Bulgaria

WriteReader is a remarkable tool. Very suitable for the needs of language learning – powerful, fun, and easy to use. WriteReader is my favorite educational platform and it’s suitable for both younger and older students. Children with interest and desire make their own books, which they easily can present to the school community. I share WriteReader with my colleagues, so that they can also take advantage of the opportunities of the platform in their professional activity.

Gyulhan Syuleiman


Dobri Voynikov Primary School, Pobeda, Dobrich, Bulgaria

I have been working as a teacher for +25 years. I like to experiment in my work and try out new strategies and interactive methods in my teaching. It has been very interesting to integrate the WriteReader platform in my work and give my students the opportunity to learn through book creation in a new and fun way!

Raina Mihova


Dobri Voynikov Primary School, Pobeda, Dobrich, Bulgaria

My students and I quickly fell in love with the WriteReader platform. The opportunities that WriteReader offers develop imagination, self-initiative, skills, creativity, functional literacy, self-confidence of children. What better motivation than the satisfaction of creating something yourself and seeing the result right away!

Linnea Wångnell


Glimåkraskolan, Östra Göinge kommun, Sverige

I’ve been using WriteReader since 2021, and I love the easy layout and features. My students learn very fast and it becomes their favorite tool for writing and creating books. I love the fact that I can prepare templates for my students to support their writing and easily share them with other teachers. The fact that I can share the student’s books with a link, to the parents, is amazing. We can also make bookshelves for everyone to read our class books. There are many features that help the student’s progression.

Jessica Talley


Magnolia School District, AR, USA

I was introduced to WriteReader in 2021 and LOVE every aspect of it! My students would come in begging to make new books every week, and that made my heart so very happy!! Two of my favorite projects were my class Zoom It! and Hidden Picture books. I enjoy creating books with economic subjects that are tailored to our state social studies standards to help classroom teachers with those topics. WriteReader has been amazing, and I can’t wait to work on some new ideas.

Dalia Valaikienė


Erudito licėjus, Vilnius, Lithuania

I discovered WriteReader while looking for more interesting ways to use digital tools in the classroom. In Lithuania, we do not have many easy-to-use tools for elementary school pupils. While wandering around YouTube and looking for webinars or workshops about it, I saw George Astvatsaturov’s video about WriteReader. Since it is simple to use me and my kiddos joined already the next day. What I like the most is that students with learning difficulties can create books and presentations here – they don’t need to write a lot. Kids can draw and add their pictures and create a huge library together with their classmates.

Jennifer Wood


Rockwall ISD, Rockwall, TX, USA

WriteReader was a wonderful tool discovery a few years ago! The tool supports student voice in all content areas. As an Instructional Technology Specialist, WriteReader is a constant in PD sessions where teachers are learning about tools to give student feedback, to give student voice, to build in creativity, and encourage engagement. WriteReader gives the students a way to apply, evaluate, and create. This kicks up the rigor! WriteReader supports students “teaching” others about their new learnings, applying & mastering new knowledge.

Busurmanova Irina Bakhtkaleevna


Secondary School No. 89, Orenburg, Russia

I have been a primary school teacher for +10 years, and I like to learn new things and investigate trends in education. I came across WriteReader, and the simple interface immediately caught my attention. I soon found out that it was greatly appreciated by my students and parents. ​​Working with WriteReader is so accessible and convenient that it allows elementary school students to create wonderful ‘products’ on their own. The template feature makes it easy to organize a lot of different forms of work, and the students are happy to compose and illustrate their own stories and book projects.

Mariella Uney


Hammerstaskolan, Botkyrka, Sweden

The first time I used WriteReader was back in 2019. I love that students get to create their own books. It motivates the students to write and has increased their desire to write. Right now, I have a 1st grade, and the students love it when I say we are going to write a fairy tale. WriteReader is a simple program that students can easily handle, and best of all, fairy tales can become real books.


Mariel Gómez de la Torre Cerfontaine


Summit Virtual Academy, Rowan Salisbury Schools, North Carolina, USA

I have been an ESL teacher for 30 years. I teach ESL grades K-8 at Summit Virtual Academy and 9-11 Early College. I taught middle and high school as well as college. I have taught in Peru & USA. I hold a master’s degree as a reading specialist from NC A&T University. I am awarded 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year for Summit Virtual Academy. I think giving real life experiences to kids is the best way to learn. In this regard, I have been using WriteReader with my students and experienced how powerful it is! I can’t imagine my teaching life without using WriteReader because I see how my students enjoy writing now!

Isaac Willis Larison


Marshall University, West Virginia, USA

I was introduced to WriteReader in the spring of 2023 while in Denmark and shared it with my MA students in literacy education. My students have latched on to WriteReader and have implemented lessons and projects in their classrooms. They have begun sharing it with their colleagues. WriteReader is an easy tool that helps younger children organize their thoughts and write. While the main audience for WriteReader is primary grade students, one of my MA students has used WriteReader with her middle school students struggling with writing. She told me how one of her students with a learning disability in reading asked if she could use WriteReader independently at home.

Jordyn Wagner


Beartooth Elementary Billings, Montana, USA

I have a Master’s in Integrating Technology in the Classroom, and I love teaching and interacting with children while helping them find a love for learning. I use WriteReader in my classroom for a variety of reasons. My favorite is when my student completes a writing piece; they get to make a “Golden Step” piece that allows them to send their work into the world. Students love putting their words and illustrations into WriteReader to create the perfect book to share their hard work. Another way I use WriteReader is to practice using their sight words for the week in sentences and as a center during reading! Those are just a few ways that WriteReader is used in our classroom.

Erin Cohon


Overland Elementary School, Los Angeles, CA, USA

I have been a teacher since 2006 and started teaching Kindergarteners in 2016. I have a master’s degree in early to adolescent literacy, received a certification as a Reading Specialist and completed a National Board Certification in Early Middle Childhood Literacy. I enjoy teaching foundational literacy skills to emergent readers and writers. WriteReader is an app I use in my classroom. My kindergarteners love using WriteReader as it is user-friendly with minimal scaffolding. Of all the book-creating apps, I find WriteReader to be my favorite. I especially like this app for decoding, blending sounds, writing words and fluency practice. As an example, my students wrote ABC books with their 3rd-grade reading buddies, and it was a great success with total engagement and a lot of fun.

Kalin McSweeney


River Pines Elementary, Humble ISD, Texas, USA

I started using WriteReader in 2022 as a way to bring more technology to my classroom. Students absolutely love it. They have become published authors and are able to share their stories with both the class and their families through digital sharing and paper copies. My students share their learning about family heritage through making a My Holiday Tradition book. They have made books about plays, My Favorite Things, All About Me, and a Mother’s Day Book, and they started off the year making an alphabet book. They have increased their understanding of the writing process by using WriteReader. They have also peer-reviewed each other’s books. We add to our books on a daily basis. We all love WriteReader!

Leanne Wu


The Homeschool Clubhouse, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA

I was a special education teacher but turned into a homeschooling mom! I’m the founder and leader of the Homeschool Clubhouse, a modern secular one-room (ish) schoolhouse and learning community serving Homeschool Families, focusing on project-based learning, arts integration, and individualized learning. My goal is to create a relaxed learning environment focusing on building freethinkers, creativity and worldly perspective. I love using Writereader in intentionally small, multi-age learning environments where individualization and collaboration merge with creativity and innovation for purpose-driven, memorable learning experiences.

Melissa Beilecke


Deutsch Skandinavische
Gemeinschaftsschule, Berlin, Germany

I love WriteReader because it empowers me to facilitate independent and creative work, aligning seamlessly with my project-based learning approach. I utilize WriteReader not only as a dedicated project tool but also as a method of assessment. One of the most rewarding aspects is the profound motivation it instills in my students. They become so deeply engrossed in their work that they often express reluctance to pause, even for breaks. This level of engagement is mirrored in the positive feedback I receive from parents. Furthermore, WriteReader facilitates the creation of tangible outputs that students take great pride in upon completion of their projects.

Elina Lind


Valhallaskolan, Halmstad, Sweden

WriteReader has helped my students develop their abilities in reading and writing. WriteReader creates the opportunity for students to practice their skills in reading, writing, and speaking. I’m able to give comments and feedback on each book that my students write. My students love the tool and several of them have also created books in their spare time. It’s fun to see their happiness when they get a real book in their hands that they created themselves. Many of the students’ books are in the school library and can be borrowed by other students. It has increased the desire to write in the whole class. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with WriteReader and I can recommend it to everyone.


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