Storytelling with Julia from Sesame Street


If you’ve watched the news recently, you may have already been introduced to the newest member of Sesame Street, Julia. She is the first character featured on the show that has autism. For children with autism, having a character to identify with is very powerful.

WriteReader is grateful to have Julia featured in our Sesame Street image bank for students to create stories.
Image with Julia

She makes writing about empathy easy! Empathy can be an abstract topic to teach but it is an extremely important soft skill to learn starting at a young age.

Check out the writing prompt featuring Julia below:

There is a new girl at your school named Julia. She is different than the other students in your class but you want to be friends with her. How will you make her feel welcome in her new school?

We would love to hear your ideas on how to feature Julia in your students’ books!

Want to see the news press about Julia? Take a look at the videos below:

ABC News

CBS News

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Storytelling with Julia from Sesame Street

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