Increase Writing Collaboration with Merged Books

WriteReader’s newest premium update allows teachers to merge books from a bookshelf together into a collaborative book. The process is simple, and there are so many ways to use this new feature to showcase the writing of your whole class or groups of students.

Merge books

After students have each written their books about a particular topic, teachers can click the “Merge books” button on their class’ bookshelf.

Teachers will be prompted to select the primary book. This may often be a book that the teacher has started with the cover and book title.

Teachers will then select all of the student books they would like to combine, then select “Merge books”.

Teachers will see a screen with the merged books where they can edit and delete any pages.

This new book can be downloaded, printed or shared via link or in a Reading Room, just like any other WriteReader book. 

Class book example

These 2nd graders each chose an animal, conducted research, and wrote a non-fiction story about their animal. With the new merge books feature, the teacher was able to combine all of these books into a class Amazing Animals book. Click below to read it!

Click here to read Mrs. Peel’s 2nd graders’ Amazing Animals book

Ideas for using merged books

This new feature can benefit teachers and students in so many ways! Students can be invited to write about a shared topic or idea, and these stories can easily be combined into a larger volume. Some of our favorite ideas are listed below:

  • Get to Know Our Class book where each student writes a page or two about themself
  • Non-fiction book about an animal where each student writes about different characteristics of that animal – e.g. appearance, habitat, food, etc.
  • Fiction book where each student contributes a page or a chapter to create a collaborative story
  • Opinion book where each student shares their opinion on a popular topic
  • Book of reviews where every student recommends their favorite movie, book, sport, etc.
  • Book of poetry where each student contributes a poem or two

The ideas are endless! We can’t wait to see how you and your students use this new merge feature. Please share and tag @WriteReaderApp in your posts!

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Increase Writing Collaboration with Merged Books

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